$$f(x,y)=(x\cos r^2+y\sin r^2, y\cos r^2-x\sin r^2)\qquad\text{with }r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2},$$
as a map $\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2$. Geometrically, $f(x,y)$ is obtained from the vector $(x,y)$ by rotating it by angle $r^2$. (we rotate the more we move away from the origin).
Wolframe Alpha claim that $\det (df)=1$ holds identically. Is there an elegant rigorous way of seeing this, without too much computations?
Should this be "obvious" in retrospect? I was a bit surprised by this result... and direct computation is not so nice to do by hand (although tractable).
I thought using the chain rule (treating the angle as a function of $x,y$) but got nowhere.
I agree that roughly speaking, near a point $p$, this function is like a standard rotation by a fixed angle $|p|^2$. However, I do not consider this a rigorous explanation. Indeed, this vague intuition is still with us when we replace $r^2=x^2+y^2$ by $x^4+y^4$, but then the Jacobian is non-constant.
So, this property doesn't even hold for smooth radially symmetric angle function $\theta(x,y)$.
Is this just a coincidence then? Can we charavterize the angle functions (or at least radially symmetric ones) which satisfy this?
(Wolframe says the Jacobian remains $1$ when we replace $r^2$ by $r$ or $r^4$. Perhaps this remains true for any power of $r$?)
Any symplectomorphism has Jacobian with determinant one. It is relatively easy to see that the Hamiltonian $H_n(x)=\Vert x\Vert^n$ for $n \geq 2$ has as flows the "rotations" you mention. (I.e., by powers of $r$.)
Indeed, $\nabla H_n(x)=n\Vert x\Vert^{n-2}x,$ thus letting $\Phi_t^n$ denote the Hamiltonian flow of $H_n$ at time $t$, we have that $\Phi^4_{1/4}$ is the rotation you mainly want in the question. For the generalized question of rotations by powers $r^n$ of $r$, just take $\Phi_{1/(n+2)}^{n+2}$.
This also generalizes for the case that Jyrki mentions, i.e. $\theta \circ r$. For this case, take $F$ to be an antiderivative for $f(r)=\theta(r) \cdot r$ and pick the Hamiltonian $H=F \circ \Vert \cdot \Vert$. Then $$\nabla H(x)=F'(\Vert x \Vert)\cdot \frac{x}{\Vert x \Vert}=\theta(\Vert x \Vert) \cdot \Vert x \Vert \cdot \frac{x}{\Vert x \Vert}=\theta(\Vert x \Vert) \cdot x.$$ Then the flow at time $1$ is the desired rotation.
It may not be clear why this is conceptual and natural without some background in symplectic geometry, so some words about that: