Could someone explain to me, what is the adjoint map of the partial trace map the (tensored with the identity map), or why does the following equality hold? $Tr(C_A\cdot Tr_{B} D_{AB})=Tr((C_A\otimes Id_B)\cdot D_{AB})$? I think I can see it intuitively from wikipedia, but mathematically can someone prove it?
2025-01-13 16:51:43.1736787103
adjoint operator of the partial trace map
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There are 2 best solutions below
Felix Huber
A bit late, but the formula you wrote above can be seen as the coordinate-free definition of the partial trace. Namely, the partial trace $tr_W$ is the unique operator, that for all $M \in V\otimes W$ and $N \in V$ fulfills that
$ tr( M_{VW} ⋅ N_{V} \otimes I_W) = tr( tr_W(M_{VW}) \cdot N_V)$.
Because $\langle A,B \rangle = tr(A^\dagger B)$ is the Hilber-Schmidt inner product, the partial trace can be seen as the the adjoint to the map $V \to V \otimes I$.
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If you write $D=\sum_j X_j\otimes Y_j$, with $X_j\in A$, $Y_j\in B$, then $$ \text{Tr}_B(D)=\sum_j\text{Tr}(Y_j)X_j, $$ and $$ \text{Tr}(C\cdot\text{Tr}(D))=\text{Tr}(\sum_j \text{Tr}(Y_j)CX_j)=\sum_j\text{Tr}(CX_j)\text{Tr}(Y_j). $$ Also, $$ \text{Tr}((C\otimes I)D)=\text{Tr}(\sum_j CX_j\otimes Y_j)=\sum_j\text{Tr}(CX_j)\text{Tr}(Y_j). $$