I have found in my old paper this theorem :
Let $a_i>0$ be real numbers and $x,y>0$ then we have : $$(x+y)f\Big(\frac{x^2+y^2}{x+y}\Big)(f(x)+f(y))\geq 2(xf(x)+yf(y))f\Big(\frac{x+y}{2}\Big)$$ Where :$$f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n}a_ix^i$$
The problem is I can't find the proof I made before . Furthermore I don't know if it's true but I have checked this inequality a week with Pari\Gp and random polynomials defined as before .
So first I just want a counter-examples if it exists .
If it's true if think it's a little bit hard to prove . I have tried the power series but without success . Finally it's a refinement of Jensen's inequality for polynomials with positives coefficients .
Thanks a lot if you have a hint or a counter-example .
Ps:I continue to check this and the equality case is to $x=y$
I have tried many approaches to prove this inequality, but none worked. By now, I think that the inequality doesn't hold and thus I started to search for a counterexample. Michael Rozenberg has gave a proof for the special case $f(x) = x^n$ and Ewan Delanoy verifies this inequality for polynoms with degree at most $5$.
However, it is in general wrong: Let $x=1$ and $y=t$ and take $f(x) = 1+x^{10}$. Then the function $$g(t):= (1+t) f \Big( \frac{t^2+1}{1+t} \Big)(f(1)+f(t)) - 2 (f(1)+t f(t)) f \Big( \frac{t+1}{2} \Big) $$ is negative for $t=0.5$: See this plot in WolframAlpha.
I couldn't find any counterexample on this strengthened variant, but also no promising approach to prove this. Maybe someone has an idea?