So I am giving a talk in which we'll prove the semi-famous Hurwitz Theorem:
Let $S$ be a compact Riemann surface of genus $g \geq 2$. Then $|Aut(S)| \leq 84(g-1)$, the group of holomorphic automorphisms on $S$.
My understanding is that this theorem is just a curiosity; I know of only one application of this theorem - to planar embeddings of graphs in surfaces.
Are there any other applications, if even a bit bizarre? Maybe in some dynamics of moduli spaces?
You might know the geometric reformulation of the Hurwitz theorem, which says that there exists a unique compact, connected hyperbolic 2-orbifold $P_{237}$ of minimum area, namely the $(2,3,7)$ triangle reflection orbifold. The connection between the version you state and the geometric version is that the quotient space $S / \text{Aut}(S)$ is a compact, connected, hpyerbolic 2-orbifold, and the quotient map $S \mapsto S / \text{Aut}(S)$ is an orbifold covering map of degree equal to $|\text{Aut}(S)|$, so $$\text{Area}(P_{237}) \le \text{Area}(S) \, / \, |\text{Aut}(S)| $$ $$|\text{Aut}(S)| \le \frac{\text{Area}(S)}{\text{Area}(P_{237})} $$ Those areas can be computed using the Gauss-Bonnet formula, which yields the Hurwitz theorem.
This geometric version has application to the classification of Fuchsian groups up to isomorphism. For instance: there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of Fuchsian groups $K$ such that $\pi_1(S)$ is isomorphic to a finite index subgroup of $K$, because the index $[K:\pi_1(S)]$ is bounded by the same constant $84(g-1)$.