I want to proof the binary resolution rule that is, if we For any two clauses $C_1$ and $C_2$, if there is a literal $L_1$ in $C_1$ that is complementary to a literal $L_2$ in $C_2$, then delete $L_1$ and $L_2$ from $C_1$ and $C_2$ respectively, and construct the disjunction of the remaining clauses. The constructed clause is a resolvent of $C_1$ and $C_2$
It is seen as follows
$$A \vee B, \space \space ¬B \vee C$$ $$ ----------$$ $$A \vee C$$
How would I proof this rule, Do I go by truth table or is there a normal way to prove this !
The Resolution rule is the rule of inference :
As any other inference rule, the rule is sound, i.e. the premises must entail the conclusion.
You can prove this via truth table, or with an equivalent "semantic" argument :
Another way to show the soundness of the rule is to exploit the equivalence between : $p \to q$ and $\lnot p \to q$. Thus, the rule can be rewritten as :
You can consider a simplified case of Resolution (also called : modus ponens) :
This rule is based on the tautology :
By distributivity the antecedent is equivalent to : $(b \land \lnot b) \lor (b \land c) \equiv (b \land c)$.
Thus we can simplify the above tautology to : $(b \land c) \to c$.