Help with Prover9 for weak propositional systems

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I am trying to get Prover9 to work, but apparently am not using exactly the correct commands. Can someone give me a hint, please? This is just a test case, but there are two rules, no disjunction or negation in the system. Here is my input file...


% Implication Axioms

P(rule(x,imp(x,y)) -> y)      # label(Im_1).   % x, x -> y  |-  y

P(rule(x,y) -> and(x,y))      # label(Cn_1).   % x, y  |-  x & y

P(imp(and(x,y),x))            # label(Cn_2).   % x & y -> x
P(imp(and(x,y),y))            # label(Cn_3).   % x & y -> y
P(imp(and(imp(x,y),imp(x,z)),imp(x,and(y,z))))  # label(Cn_4).   % (x -> y) & (x -> z) -> (x -> y & z)



P(imp(and(x,y),and(y,x)))     # label(And_Commutativity).


% Expected, something related to the following...

%  P(imp(and(x,y),y))                                                    Cn_3  x & y -> y                                      
%  P(imp(and(x,y),x))                                                    Cn_2  x & y -> x                                      
%  P(and(imp(and(x,y),y),imp(and(x,y),x)))                               Cn_1  (x & y -> y) & (x & y -> x)                     
%  P(and(imp(and(x,y),y),imp(and(x,y),x)) -> imp(and(x,y),and(y,x))))    Cn_4  (x & y -> y) & (x & y -> x) -> (x & y -> y & x) 
%  P(imp(and(x,y), and(y,x)))                                            Im_1  x & y -> y & x                                  

There are 1 best solutions below


It is unclear to me why you wrote the implication arrow inside the predicate 'P'. Be that as it may, the main issue seems to me that the 'rule'-predicate occurs only as the antecedent of a conditional. For if you have, say, a conditional $p \rightarrow q$, you only know that $q$ is true if $p$ is true, but you do not know whether $p$ is actually true. Your first two lines are non-starters, so to speak.

Indeed, I did not see the point in the 'rule'-predicate at all. I have modified your first two lines such:

P(x) & P(imp(x,y)) -> P(y).
P(x) & P(y) -> P(and(x,y)).

I interpret the 'P'-predicate as meaning something like 'is provable'. Then, the first line says that if $x$ is provable, and $imp(x,y)$ is provable, then $y$ is provable either - which I take to be the result you wanted. Similarly, the second line says that if $x$ is provable and $y$ is provable, then $and(x,y)$ is provable.

Your other three assumption lines are fine. After these modifications, all your expected results could be proven (except the fourth, which had a syntax error, and which I rewrote to

P(and(imp(and(x,y),y),imp(and(x,y),x))) -> P(imp(and(x,y),and(y,x))).

I didn't cross-check whether "unexpected" results are indeed disprovable, but will leave this up to you.