I know that not every Cauchy sequence is convergent. How about the other way around? Can someone bring up an example?
Thanks in advance!
I know that not every Cauchy sequence is convergent. How about the other way around? Can someone bring up an example?
Thanks in advance!
But Note that in general Converse is not true i.e. A Cauchy sequence is not necessarily a convergent sequence. For example if our space is $X=\mathbb Q$, then
x_n=\frac{\lfloor n\sqrt{2}\rfloor}{n},
is a Cauchy sequence which DOES NOT converge is $\mathbb Q$. It DOES converge is $\mathbb R$ but not in $\mathbb Q$.
$$|x_n-x_m| = |x_n - L + L - x_m| \leq |x_n-L|+|x_m-L|.$$
The analogous thing works in metric spaces. This trick is very common in lots of situations in analysis, so it would do you well to understand it.