Let for integers $n\geq 1$ the arithmetical function defined by $$f(n)=\frac{1}{1+|\mu(n)|},$$ where $\mu(n)$ is the Möbius function.
Note that $f(1)=\frac{1}{2}\neq 0$, and $f(n)$ isn't multiplicative.
I am interested in
Question. Can you get in a closed-form the Dirichlet inverse of previous function $f(n)$? Thanks in advance.
I've written a little dictionary but I'm stuck about how use it succesfully: $f(1)=1/2$; if $p$ is a prime $f(p)=1/2$, and for $a>1$ we've $f(p^a)=1$; if $1<n$ is square-free then $f(n)=1/2$ but if isn't then $f(n)=1$.
My computation were humbles (and it isn't necessary if you answer my Question prove by mathematical induction yours statements, I believe that it is neccesary nested induction but with your closed-form I could do it): we've $$f^{-1}(1)=2,$$ if $p$ is a prime number $$f^{-1}(p)=-\frac{1}{f(1)}f(p)f^{-1}(1)=-2\frac{1}{2}2=-2,$$ and we can write for prime powers $$f^{-1} \left( p^a \right) =-2 \sum_{k=0}^{a-1} f \left( p^{a-k} \right) f ^{-1}\left( p^{k} \right),$$ when $a>1$.
Thus $f ^{-1}\left( p^{2} \right)=-2$ and $f ^{-1}\left( p^{3} \right)=2,\ldots$
It's easy to verify that your arthmetic funtion is $$ f(n)=1-|\mu(n)|+\frac{|\mu(n)|}{2}=1-\frac{|\mu(n)|}{2}. $$
Taking Dirichlet series of both sides, we get $$ D(f,s)=\zeta(s)-\frac{\zeta(s)}{2\zeta(2s)}. $$
Thus, we have $$ D(f^{-1},s)=\frac{1}{D(f,s)}=\frac{1}{\zeta(s)}\frac{2\zeta(2s)}{2\zeta(2s)-1}. $$
Considering the form of $D(f^{-1},s)$, especially the tricky part $\frac{1}{2\zeta(2s)-1},$ I guess it's pretty hard or even impossible to obtain simple closed forms for all $f^{-1}(n)$.