I have a collection of $(x, y, z)$ points that are all contained in a $1 \times 1 \times 1$ cube with $(x, y, z) \in [0, 1]^3$. I need to find the shortest path to cross all the points. This looks like an minimum spanning path problem in 3D but there are a few tricks that change the problem a little bit:
- The planes $(z = 0)$ and $(z = 1)$ are connected, i.e. the points $(2, 3, 0.01)$ and $(2, 3, 0.97)$ are very close and only $0.04$ apart.
- I can only move parallel to the Ox, Oy and Oz axes.
- It is not so much the distance that matters as the number of displacements (one displacement means one move on one axis, i.e. I may need 1, 2, or 3 moves for going from one point to another).
Does anyone know of an existing or adaptable algorithm that could address this problem?