A C$^\ast$-algebra is a Banach algebra $A$ with an involution, i.e. a map $\ast$ such that:
- $(x^\ast)^\ast=x$ for all $x\in A$;
- $(x+y)^\ast=x^\ast+y^\ast$ for all $x,y\in A$;
- $(ax)^\ast=\overline ax^\ast$, for all $x\in A,a\in\mathbb{C}$;
- $\|xx^\ast\|=\|x\|^2$, for all $x\in A$.
I know 1-2-3 do not imply 4 (counterexample: $L^1(\mathbb{R})$ with convolution and $f^\ast(x)=\overline{f(-x)}$ and $\ell^1(\mathbb{Z})$ with convolution and $f^\ast(k)=\overline{f(-k)}$, and also Wiener algebra with whatever matches the involution on $\ell^1$ via the algebra isomorphism sending an element of Wiener into its FOurier transform in $\ell^1$, conjugation perhaps?), but is there any of 1-2-3 that can be deduced by the other conditions? Or more explicitly:
- Can 1 be deduced from 2-3-4?
- Can 2 be deduced from 1-3-4?
- Can 3 be deduced from 1-2-4?
And how is any of the above 3 implications proven/disproven?
Your definition of $C^*$-algebra is missing the property $(xy)^*=y^*x^*$. Without that requirement, a more natural (to me) example where 1-2-3 are true and 4 is false is to take $M_2(\mathbb C)$ and define the adjoint as conjugation entrywise.