Given that $A=LU$ where $L$ and $U$ are (known) lower and upper triangular matrices, is there any simple way to determine whether $A$ is positive definite?
I have been using this algorithm on Wikipedia to compute LU decompositions.
The comment section says:
INPUT: A ... a square matrix having dimension N
OUTPUT: Matrix A is changed, it contains a copy of both matrices L-E and U as A=(L-E)+U such that PA=LU.
I'm not sure what exactly 'E' refers to here, but I understand that 'L' refers to a lower triangular matrix, and 'U' to an upper triangular matrix, and I understand that the algorithm is letting these two cohabit the same square matrix.
I seek to determine whether the original matrix $A$ is positive definite. I have a feeling that $A$ is positive definite only if $A$ is symmetric and (after running the algorithm) all of the diagonal elements are positive. Is this correct? (Or is there some other way to determine whether $A$ is positive definite, from its LU decomposition?
Elsewhere on the same Wikipedia page it says
If $A$ is a symmetric ... positive definite matrix, we can arrange matters so that $U$ is the ... transpose of $L$. That is, we can write $A$ as
$$A = L L^T$$
This decomposition is called the Cholesky decomposition.
Moreover I have read somewhere that a matrix is positive definite if and only if its Cholesky decomposition exists. But I don't know how to put all this together (e.g. what "arrange matters" above means exactly) to determine from the LU decomposition whether the matrix is positive definite.
We can determine whether $A>0$ by examining the diagonals of $L$ and $U$.
$$A>0 \iff l_{i,i}u_{i,i}>0 \forall i$$
These products $l_{i,i}u_{i,i}$ are the diagonal elements of $D$ in the LDU decomposition, and $A>0\iff D>0$ as shown here.
(In the algorithm referenced from Wikipedia it is simply a matter of testing whether all diagonal elements in the output are positive.)