$${H = \{e, (1243), (14)(23), (1342)\} }$$
$\bullet$By drawing a Cayley table show that H forms a group under composition of permutations.
$\bullet$Find a subgroup of H
I have this question and I don't know where to start. What would the be Cayley table look like?
Brookes student?
$(1243)(1243) = (14)(23)$
$(1243)((14)(23)) = (1342)$
$((14)(23))(1243) = (1342)$
$(1342)(1243) = (1)(2)(3)(4) = e $
$((14)(23))((14)(23)) = (1)(2)(3)(4) = e $
$(1342)((14)(23)) =(1243) $
$(1243)(1342) = (1)(2)(3)(4) = e$
Closure holds since no new entries in table. Association carries over. Each element contains an inverse because e is contained in each row/column.
To find a subgroup, look for a set of even permutations in H.