Want a justification of the following fact.
If G is a finitely generated group, then there exist a Riemannian manifold $M$ such that the action of $G$ is cocompact isometric properly discontinuous.
To give such an example the author justify that if $G$ is finitely generated say by $k$ generators then there exist a epimorphism from $\phi:\pi_1(F_k)\rightarrow G$,where $F_k$ is genus $g$ riemann surface.Then G acts isometrically and cocompactly on the covering space M of $F_k$ so that $\pi_1 (M) = ker(\phi)$
The line in bold I did not understood properly.
To expand on my comment, here are three theorems of covering space theory which you can look up. Learn that theory and you'll have your answer.
Let $X$ be any path connected, locally path connected, semilocally simply connected space. Let $p \in X$ be a base point.
In your question, take $X=F_k$ and $H = \text{kernel}(\phi)$, take $M$ to be the covering space in item 2. By 3, $G = \pi_1(X)/H$ acts on $M$ as the deck transformation group.