Referencing Grillet's Semigroups pp 151.
Problem Prop. V.3 3.2 Grillet asserts that when $A,S$ are semigroups, then $A$ and $S$ both divide $A\times S$. (He offers no explanation, it's supposedly trivial)
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Referencing Grillet's Semigroups pp 151.
Problem Prop. V.3 3.2 Grillet asserts that when $A,S$ are semigroups, then $A$ and $S$ both divide $A\times S$. (He offers no explanation, it's supposedly trivial)
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Suppose that $S_1$ and $S_2$ are nonempty. Then the projections from $S_1 \times S_2$ to $S_1$ and to $S_2$ are both surjective morphisms. Thus $S_1$ and $S_2$ divide $S_1 \times S_2$.