This is problem 4.21a is Resnick's Probability Path.
Suppose $\{A_n\}$ is a sequence of events. If $P(A_n)\to 1$ as $n \to \infty$, prove that there exists a subsequence $\{n_k\}$ tending to infinity such that $P(\bigcap_k A_{n_k})>0$. (Hint: Use Borel-Cantelli.)
Having searched a bit on here for related problems, I've gotten the impression that what most people mean by Borel-Cantelli is something a little more expansive than what Resnick means, which is that for some sequence of (not necessarily independent) events $\{A_n\}$, if $\sum P(A_n) < \infty$, then $P(\limsup_n A_n) = 0$. Since the $\{A_n\}$ in question are not independent, I can't use any results on sequences whose sums don't converge.
Clearly, $P(A_n)\to 1$ implies that $\sum P(A_n) = \infty$, and so I can't directly apply Borel-Cantelli. Moreover, even though $P(A_n^c)\to 0$, this does not imply that $\sum P(A_n^c)<\infty$, so I can't do anything with the complements. I'm not sure what else to do: I mean, if I could somehow determine that $P(\limsup_n A_n) = 1$, I could show that $\sum P(A_n) = \infty$ ... but then I could just reread the first sentence of this paragraph.
Could anyone offer any suggestions?
I see no need to use Borel-Cantelli here. Observe that $$P\left(\bigcap_{k=1}^{\infty} A_{n_k}\right) > 0 \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad P\left(\bigcup_{k=1}^{\infty} A_{n_k}^{c}\right) < 1$$ Now because $P(A_{n}^{c}) \to 0$, we can choose a subsequence $n_{k}$ such that $$P(A_{n_k}^{c}) < 3^{-(k+1)}$$