I need a proof verification or some pointers.
The definition from the book says:
$\limsup s_n = \lim\limits_{N\to\infty} \sup \{s_n : n > N\}$
$\liminf s_n = \lim\limits_{N\to\infty} \sup \{s_n : n > N\}$.
Case 1. lim inf {$s_n$} = lim sup {$s_n$} = positive infinity
Proof: Let M > 0. Then there exists some n such that n > N implies $s_n$ > M. The question is I'm only given: lim inf {$s_n$} = lim sup {$s_n$}. How do I construct this $s_n$ so that lim inf {$s_n$}= lim $s_n$ = lim sup {$s_n$}. Can I just apply the squeeze theorem here? Then lim sn is defined and lim sn = lim inf sn = lim sup sn by squeeze theorem?. Help?
What you're trying to prove, if you want to use the definition of a limit directly (at least in the $+\infty$ case) is that
From your knowledge of the liminf, you know that
Why does this second statement imply the first?
For $\pm \infty$, you will need only the liminf or the limsup. For finite limits, however, you will need both.
The conclusion we want to reach is
Using the liminf and limsup, we have the statements:
How do these two statements let you deduce the first?
You could also use the squeeze theorem if you note that $$ \inf \{s_n: n \geq N\} \leq s_N \leq \sup\{s_n: n \geq N\} $$ and take the limit as $N \to \infty$.