Holomorphic Functions and Cauchy Theorem

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Show that if $f$ is holomorphic in an annulus $V={r<|z-c|<R}$ then the integral

$$\int_{|z-a|=\rho}fdz$$ has the same value for all $\rho$, $r<\rho<R$.

My approach: Suppose a function $f(z)$ holomorphic on the annulus $r <|z −c| < R$ has two Laurent series:


Multiply both sides with $\left(z-c\right)^{-k-1}$, where k is an arbitrary integer, and integrate on a path γ inside the annulus,


The series converges uniformly on $\epsilon\leq|z-c|\leq R-\epsilon$, where ε is a positive number small enough for γ to be contained in the constricted closed annulus, so the integration and summation can be interchanged. Substituting the identity

$$\oint_{\gamma}(z-c)^{n-k-1}dz=2\pi i\delta_{nk}$$

into the summation yields


Hence the Laurent series is unique.

Can anyone assist help explain why $$\oint_{\gamma}(z-c)^{n-k-1}dz=2\pi i\delta_{nk}$$ is the case to me?


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Hint: consider a contour that looks like this:

enter image description here