When discussing analytic continuation, my lecturer used the following example,
$$ I = \int_0^{\infty} \frac{dx}{1+x^3} $$ I have in my notes that the contour was taken as below. I must admit I was pretty tired that day so my notes are significantly lacking.
Q: I am unsure why the contour was taken as in the image. Can anyone explain? (specifically why the contour stops at at $e^{2i\pi/3}$ rather than the full semi-circle)
The reason this is a good choice of contour is that $(re^{2\pi i/3})^3 = r^3$.
Hence, the part of the integral along the ray with argument $2\pi/3$ can be easily related to the part along the $x$-axis (which is the integral we really are looking for).
(Just to be clear, your sector should have radius $R$ and you then want to let $R \to \infty$. In your sketch it looks like the radius is fixed to $1$, which is not a good idea.)