I have a question concerning Littlewood-paley-theory. Suppose we have test functions $\psi_k$ supported in annuli $\{2^{k-1}\leq\vert\xi\vert\leq2^{k+1}\}$ such that $\sum_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}\psi_k(\xi)=1$ for $\xi\neq0$. Define the homogeneous Littlewood-Paley projections $P_k$ of a tempered distribution by $\widehat{P_ku}=\psi_k\hat u$. I'd like to show that the equality $$ u=\sum_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}P_ku\qquad \text{in} \qquad \mathcal{S}'$$ holds true modulo a polynomial. Unfortunately I'm not able to show this. That's why I'm hoping for your help.
Greets Lukas
You need to show that the series converges in the sense of distributions, i.e. for arbitrary Schwartz function $\phi\in \mathcal S$ you have (modulo polynomial distribution) $$\lim _{n\to+\infty}\sum_{k=-n}^n \langle P_k u,\phi\rangle=\langle u,\phi\rangle = \langle F[u],F^{-1}[\phi]\rangle.$$
Given that thet Fourier transform is an ismorphism of tempered distributions and of the space of Schwartz functions, we can write by definition $$\langle P_k u,\phi\rangle = \langle F[P_k u],F^{-1}[\phi]\rangle = \langle \psi_k F[u],F^{-1}[\phi]\rangle=\langle F[u],\psi_k F^{-1}[\phi]\rangle,$$ therefore, we need to consider the sum $$\sum_{k\in\Bbb Z}\psi_k F^{-1}[\phi].$$
By the hypothesis on $\psi_k$ this sum converges to $F^{-1}[\phi]$ modulo the value in $\xi=0$. Therefore, the resulting sum of Fourier transfroms of projections differs from $F[u]$ at most on the sinlgeton $\{\xi=0\}$ (in other words, by a finites sum of Dirac delta and its derivatives). By taking the inverse Fourier transfrom we obtain that the sum of projections differ from the initial distribution by the inverse Fourier transform of that finite sum, which yields you that polynomial.