I've seen this statement on the internet in a few places and I don't really get the connection. Would anyone mind fleshing out the details? Thanks.
2025-01-13 07:58:41.1736755121
How are Gauss sums the analogue of the gamma function for finite fields?
274 Views Asked by Vik78 https://math.techqa.club/user/vik78/detail At
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Paraphrasing from Wikipedia:
Similarly, a Gauss sum on a finite commutative ring $R$ is given by: $$\sum_{r\in R^\times} \chi(r) \psi(r)$$
Where $\chi:R^\times\to\mathbb{C}$ is a multiplicative character, and $\psi:R\to\mathbb{C}$ is an additive character.
This is an integral over the discrete Lie group $R^\times$ with the counting measure.
Note that Haar measure is unique up to a constant, so the appearance of $\frac{dx}{x}$ on $\mathbb{R}^+$ is less arbitrary than it might appear.