I just started learning substitution and I can't seem to solve this exercise. I'm using $x = 2sinh(t)$
Full Solution:
$32(\int((1-x^2)^2*x) - 2\int((1-x^2)*x) + \int(x))=$
Hint: Let $4+x^2=u^2$ and note that $x^5=(x)(x^4)=(x)(u^2-4)^2$.
But if you want to use a $\sinh$ substitution, let $x=2\sinh t$. You will end up integrating a constant times $\sinh^5 t$, which you can rewrite as $(\sinh t)(\cosh^2 t-1)^2$. And now another substitution.
Added detail Let $4+x^2=u^2$, with $u$ positive. Then $2x\,dx=2u\,du$ and therefore $x\,dx=u\,du$. Note that $(4+x^2)^{-1/2}=\frac{1}{u}$. We have $x^5=(x)(x^4)=x(u^2-4)^2$. Substituting we find that our integral is $$\int \frac{(u^2-4)^2 u}{u}\,du.$$ Thus we want $$\int (u^4-8u^2+16)\,du.$$ This is equal to $\frac{u^5}{5}-\frac{8u^3}{3}+16u+C$.
Finally, replace $u$ by $(4+x^2)^{1/2}$.