How do you find the area of the gray region in the problem.
Pretty much the isosceles triangle is 2" tall and 2" wide at the bottom.
The circle has a radius of 1"
The square is 2" tall and 2" wide.
My question is: How do you find the area of the shaded (gray) region of the square not getting overlapped by the circle or triangle.
Let $S$ be the square $C$ the circle and $T$ the triangle. What you look for is: $$ |S \setminus (C\cup T)| = |S| - |C\cup T| = |S| - (|C| + |T| - |C\cap T|). $$
Let's consider $C\cap T$. $T$ is an isosceles triangle, and the angle on the top vertex is $$ 2\alpha = \arctan \frac 1 2. $$ The region $C\cap T$ is the union of a circle sector of amplitude $4\alpha$ with two isosceles triangles with angle $\alpha$ at the bases and equal sides of length $1$. The circle sector has area $2\alpha$ and the triangles together have area $2\cos\alpha \sin\alpha$. So $$ |C \cap T| = 2\alpha + 2\sin\alpha\cos \alpha = 2\alpha +\frac{2\tan \alpha}{1+\tan^2 \alpha} = 2\arctan\frac 1 2 + \frac 2 5. $$ and the grey area has measure $$ 4 - (\pi + 2 - (2\arctan \frac 1 2 + \frac 2 5))= \frac{12}{5} - \pi + 2\arctan \frac 1 2. $$