How to translate a "tight sequence" to spanish?

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Not a mathematical question as such, but I wouldn't trust the translations given in any other community.

Let $\{\mathbb{P}_n\}$ be a family of proability measures in $(\mathbb{R^d}, \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^d))$. Then the family is $\textbf{tight}$ if for every epsilon $\epsilon >0$, there exists an interval $(a,b]$ such that $\mathbb{P}_n((a,b]^c)\leq \epsilon$ for all $n$.

I want to translate this definition to spanish and I thought maybe using "una familia estrecha" could work. However 1) It sounds funny and 2) then I will also need to define a stochastic differential equation in the $\textbf{narrow}$ sense, which in my head it also translates as "estrecho". Any suggestions on how can I differentiate this two concepts?