I am studying the paper Composita and its Properties by Vladimir V. Kruchinin and Dmitry V. Kruchinin. When I make my notes, the translation of the word composita causes me confusion, since I speak Spanish. Can someone please help me with a proper translation?
2025-03-07 03:12:38.1741317158
Translation of "composita" to Spanish
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As stated in the comments, it's a word they adopted/borrowed from Latin (composita the feminine form of compositus, the past participle of "compōnēre", to put together, to build, etc. (see here; they also use its Latin plural "compositae" later on in the paper, showing it's not the neuter singular that they mean).
So there is no need to translate it, just leave the Latin word. In Spanish the word compositus became compuesto. So the modern feminine form would be "compuesta" if you really wanted one.