When writing $D_4$ in cycle notation, I am struggling to find unique cycle notations for each of the rotations. I find that all the rotations would be written as the cycle:
$$( 1 2 3 4 )=( 2 3 4 1 )=( 3 4 1 2 )=(4 1 2 3)$$
However, since $D_4$ has order $8$, shouldn't $D_4$ contain $8$ unique cycle elements?
We have $D_4=\{ ( 1 2 3 4 ), ( 2 1 4 3), ( 3 4 2 1), (2 3), (1 4)\}$
$D_4$ is generated by $(1234)$, a rotation, and $(14)(23)$, a reflection.
So we get $D_4=\{e,(1234),(13)(24),(1432),(14)(23),(42),(13),(12)(34)\}$.