If $a^n+n^b\mid c^n+n^d$ for every $n$ then $c=a^k$ and $d=kb$ .

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I made a generalization of the following problem (it's a problem from the IMO shortlist in some year) :

Let $a,b$ be fixed positive integers . If : $$a^n+n \mid b^n+n$$ for every positive integer $n$ then prove that $a=b$ .

This is the generalization :

Let $a,b,c,d$ be fixed positive integers . If : $$a^n+n^b \mid c^n+n^d$$ for every $n$ then prove that $c=a^k$ and $d=kb$ for some positive integer $k$ odd .

I haven't managed to solve it so this is why I'm looking here for help .Thank you all .

EDIT: I originally asked to prove that only when $a=c$ and $b=d$ it is possible but thanks to the comments below there are other cases when the divisibility holds .

The problem is now to show that these are the only cases that work .