The following is an answer I found to the question.
For instance, $\sum^*$ is a regular language; but it can be decomposed into two languages $L_1= \{0^i1^i,\;i\ge0\}$ and $L_2 = \{0^i1^j\;,\;i,j\ge0\}$, both of which are not regular.
When we say $\sum^*$ is regular, it means that every string in $\sum^*$ is accepted by some DFA. The answer say that $\sum^*$ contain strings from two non-regular languages and still be regular. How is that ?
What you’ve quoted is false: $\{0,1\}^*$ is not the union of $L_1$ and $L_2$ as defined in that quotation. In fact $L_1\cup L_2=L_2$, which is the regular language corresponding to the regular expression $0^*1^*$. It is well-known, however, that $L_1$ is not regular; in fact it’s the standard example of a context-free language that is not regular. Thus, $L_1\cup L_2$ is an example of a regular language that is the union of a non-regular language and a regular language, though that regular language is not $\{0,1\}^*$.
Note that if $L$ is any language over the alphabet $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$, then $L\cup\Sigma^*=\Sigma^*$ is regular: it makes no difference whether $L$ is regular or not. And since there are languages $L$ over $\Sigma$ that are not regular, regularity of $L_1\cup L_2$ cannot in general imply regularity of both $L_1$ and $L_2$.
In fact it does not imply that even one of $L_1$ and $L_2$ is regular. Let $L_1=\{0^m1^n:0\le m\le n\}$ and $L_2=\{0^m1^n:m\ge n\ge 0\}$; using the pumping lemma it’s not hard to show that neither of these languages is regular. However, $L_1\cup L_2=\{0^m1^n:m,n\ge 0\}$, which is regular: as noted above, it corresponds to the regular expression $0^*1^*$. This means that although there is a DFA that accepts precisely the strings in $L_1\cup L_2$, there is no single DFA that accepts precisely the strings in $L_1$, and there is no DFA that accepts precisely the strings in $L_2$. Any DFA that accepts every string in $L_1$, for instance, necessarily accepts some strings that are not in $L_1$, and similarly for $L_2$.