Probability Assessment of Interactive Markov Chain (IMC)

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Firstly, consider a Markov chain in your mind. Probability of each state of the Markov chain can be obtained by following Chapman–Kolmogorov equation.

$$ P(n\Delta t) = M^{n}P(0) $$

where P is the probability vector, P(0) is initial probability vector and M is transition matrix of Markov chain.

Secondly and now, my problem is about Interactive Markov Chain (IMC). For example, consider following IMC model.

enter image description here

As can be seen, this model has a similarity to Petri Nets. However, I need to know how I can one achieve the probability of each state of this model? In the literature, always authors use software tool but I need a solution by hand on paper not through software tool.

Thanks a lot.