I'm trying to write a regular expression from this DFA but I'm having some trouble.
I can tell you what I've done so far: I started by adding a new beginning state and a new final state because initial states cannot have incoming edges and made a new final state because they can't have out going edges. From there I started eliminating states but I can't come up with an expression that works so I'm going to start over. Can someone help me come up with a regular expression that represents this DFA. Thanks.
You begin with node $1$, and either stop, or you then go to node $2$ one or more times, then you go to node $3$ once and either end there, return to the previous step, or return to the first step.
So it's either just $1$, or else it is one or more of: ($1$, followed by one or more of: (one or more of $2$, followed by one $3$)) that is maybe followed by a final $1$.
[edit: forgot the double circles indicate possible end states.]