By Lickorish and Wallace , any closed,connected, orientable 3-manifold can be gotten as a surgery on a link in $S^3$. Let say our manifold, M, is an integer homology sphere and L = $ L_1 \cup L_2 \cup \dots L_n $ be one such link in $ S^3$ for $M$, with specified surgery coefficient . Now if we do subsequent surgeries one by one on each of the link component (starting with $L_1$), we get a new manifold $M_k$ such that $M$ can be gotten from $M_k$ and link $ L^k = L_k^ \prime \cup \dots L_n ^ \prime $ in $M_k$ with appropriately changed surgery coefficient. My question is : Can we make sure that each of this $M_k$'s are integer homology spheres, when we know that $M$ is such?
My Guess is : Yes, by applying Kirby Calculus appropriately. Is it true?
Yes, each integral homology sphere $M$ has a surgery description $L=L_1\cup\cdots\cup L_n$ such that the intermediate manifolds $M_k$ are all integral homology spheres.
In Refined Kirby calculus for integral homology spheres, Habiro remarks "It is well known that every integral homology sphere can be expressed as the result from $S^3$ of surgery along a framed link of diagonal linking matrix with diagonal entries $\pm 1$" (page 2 of the linked paper). Such a surgery description yields intermediate manifolds $M_k$ that are integral homology spheres (as noted on the Wikipedia page for homology spheres).
So I've given you an affirmative answer, but I haven't provided you the proof (because I don't know it). Hopefully this points you in the right direction.