Integer parts isomorphic?

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Let $F$ be a real closed field. It is known$^{[1]}$ that $F$ has an integer part, that is, a subring $A$ such that $\forall x \in F, \exists ! a \in A, a \leq x < a+1$.

Are all integer parts over $F$ isomorphic as ordered rings?

$[1]$: M. H. Mourgues and J. P. Ressayre The Journal of Symbolic Logic Vol. 58, No. 2 (Jun., 1993), pp. 641-647

Real closed fields are fields in which $X^2 + 1$ is irreductible and $F[X] / (X^2 + 1)$ is algebraically closed. They are ordered by setting $x \geq 0$ iff $x$ is a square.

A few ideas:

-Every order preserving isomorphism between two integer parts in $F$ extends in a unique way as an automorphism of $F$.

-Integer parts of real closed fields are exactly models of open induction (PA with induction scheme restricted to quantifier-free formulas).

-If $G$ is a subgroup of $(F,+)$ such that $\forall x \in F, \exists ! g \in G, g \leq x < g+1$ then the group $(F,+) / G$ is isomorphic to the "torus" $([0;1[_F,\underline{+})$ where $x\underline{+}y = x+y \ \mod 1$. This torus need not be isomorphic to ${{\mathbb{S}}^1}_F = \{(x,y) \in F^2 \ | \ x^2 + y^2 = 1\}$ with $(x,y)\underline{.}(z,t) = (x.z-y.t,x.t+y.z)$.

-No integer part over $F$ is definable in $(F,+,.,0,1)$.


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Gurgen Asatryan proved in 2008 in On Ordered Fields with Infinitely Many Integer Parts that some ordered fields such as ${\mathbb{R}((x))}^{\mathbb{Q}}$ have $2^{\aleph_0}$ integer parts with distinct existential theories so the answer to my question is no.