If the Dirac Delta function has an infinitely tall "spike" at $x=0$, then how is it that its integral over the entire real number line is one, instead of infinity?
2025-01-12 23:49:19.1736725759
Integral of Dirac Delta Function
271 Views Asked by BillyK https://math.techqa.club/user/billyk/detail At
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To talk about the Delta function rigorously, you need to introduce the idea of distributions. In this case you never look at $\delta(x)$ outside an integral, and you define it to have the property
$$\int\delta(x-x_0)f(x)dx=f(x_0),$$ which then implies it having unit integral if we take $f(x)=1$.
In fact, if we actually define $\delta(x)$ to be $0$ everywhere and $\infty$ at $0$, then its Lebesgue integral should be zero.
We can however look at $\delta(x)$ as the limit of a series of Gaussians:
as on the Wikipedia page. Each Gaussian $\delta_a$ has unit integral, and we can show that as $a\rightarrow 0$, we start to arrive at the properties of $\delta(x)$. You can also see in the animation that it approaches the shape of being zero everywhere, but highly peaked at the origin.