is it a stronger property of equalizers?

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I understand that if $h$ is an eqalizer of $f,f:A\rightrightarrows B$ then $h$ is an isomorphism. Is it stronger to say that if an isomorphism $h$ is an equalizer of $f,f:A\rightrightarrows B$ then $id_A$ is also an equalizer? This apparently stronger property might imply some equations between compositions of arrows that do not hold in general, am I right ?


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The seemingly stronger version is satisfied trivially because $id_A$ is always an equalizer of $f,f:A\to B$. One sees this by simply checking the definition directly: $f\circ id_A=f\circ id_A$, and given any $g:C\to A$ with $fg=fg$, there is exactly one arrow $x:C\to A$ with $id_A\circ x=g$.