Let $k$ be a natural number. Then $3k+1$ , $4k+1$ and $6k+1$ cannot all be square numbers.
I tried to prove this by supposing one of them is a square number and by substituting the corresponding $k$ value. But I failed to prove it.
If we ignore one term, we can make the remaining terms squares. For example, $3k+1$ and $4k+1$ are both squares if $k=56$ (they are $13^2$ and $15^2$); $3k+1$ and $6k+1$ are both squares if $k=8$ (they are $5^2$ and $7^2$); $4k+1$ and $6k+1$ are both squares if $k=20$ (they are $9^2$ and $11^2$).
This is not a complete answer, but perhaps it will help someone. If $3k = a^2-1$ and $6k = c^2-1$, then $c^2-2a^2 = -1$. It follows that the possibilities for $c$ and $a$ are the odd convergents to the continued fraction for $\sqrt{2}$ (thus $k=8$, corresponding to $c=7$ and $a=5$, is the first such value).