Let $B$ be the closed unit ball on the space $M[0,1]$ of the borel regular complex measures on $[0,1]$. For $\mu$ and $\nu$ $\in $ $M[0,1]$ define $d(u,v) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left|\int_{[0,1]}x^nd\mu - \int_{[0,1]}x^nd\nu \right|$. Show that $d$ is a metric on $M$ and that define the weak star topology on $B$ but not in $M$.
I know that $C_0([0,1])$ is separable and hence I know that $(K,w^*)$ is metrizable with $K$ $w^*$-compact on $M$. And even more if $(x_i)$ is a dense set on the space then $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{p_n(\varphi - \psi)}{1 + p_n(\varphi - \psi)}$$ where $p_n(\varphi) = \varphi(x_n)$, is a metric which defines the $w^*$ topology on $K$. I would like to use this result but the polynomials given are not dense on the space. Another problem I have is that I am not able of see why the series given in the statement converges.
Another way I would like to attack this is proving that the identity function $id:(K,w^*)\to (K,d)$ is continuos, and since $K$ is $w*$ compact the result will follow.
I am stuck on this lines, I would appreciate any idea.
Remember, Complex measures always have finite variation, by definition.
As was mentioned in the comments, $d$ can not be a metric since it can take an infinite value, for example, when you put $\nu = 0$ and $\mu$ the lebesgue measure then you will get $\int_{0}^1\frac{1}{1-x}$ which diverges. A simpler example is considering dirac measures. So the problem
I make a typo in the theorem I wanted to use, the metric associated with the dense subset $(x_i)$ is $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^n}\frac{p_n(\varphi - \psi)}{1 + p_n(\varphi - \psi)}$$
Maybe it is worth mentioning that the idea of the theorem I wanted to use is to observe that if I truncate the series then I have a pseudometric which is $w^*$ continuos, and since the series converges uniformly, then the series is $w^*$continuos. Last, since $(x_i)$ is dense one can prove that actually is a metric, and since is continuos one already has that $w^*$ topology includes the topology induced by the metric, the final inclusion follows using that $K$ is $w^*$ compact.
- I will write it to the author of the problem. But I think I have the essential key. I will expect that the correct $d$ on the problem is the one I give, if $p_n(\mu) = \int_{0}^1x^n d\mu$ then
$$d(\mu,\nu) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^n}\frac{p_n(\mu - \nu)}{1 + p_n(\mu - \nu)}$$
in this case the truncated series is $w^*$ continuos, and since the series converges uniformly then $d$ is $w^*$ continuos, this implies that $\tau_d \subset w^*$. Now $d$ is a metric: if $d(\mu,\nu) = 0$ then each term of the sum is zero and then, by linearity, $\int p(x)d\mu - \int p(x)d\nu = 0$ with $p(x)$ being a polynomial, since the polynomials are dense on $C_0([0,1])$ and the integrals are linear functionals on $C_0[0,1]$ which are continuos, then this linear functionals are equal and then are equal the measures.
To finish, if we have that $id:(K,w^*) \to (K,\tau_d)$ is continuos, and since $K^*$ is $w^*$ compact then $id$ will be an homeomorphism.
I have not thought why this metric does not work on $M$
Well finally, the author say he just forgot the factor $\frac{1}{2^n}$ in $d$, hence the metric is $$d(u,v) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^n}\left|\int_0^1 x^n d\mu - \int_{0}^{1}x^n \right | d\nu$$
Whit this in mind I have a possible demonstration. I will propose it as answer to be discussed.
First the series is finite: this is because the total variation of the measures are finite and because $x^n$ is always less than 1, then this follows from triangular inequality.
The properties of a pseudometric are met: this is because the series is equal to $$d(u,v) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^n} |p_n(\mu - \nu)|$$ and each $p_n$ are in fact seminorms.
Finally let's check that $d(\mu,\nu) = 0$ implies $\mu = \nu$. If this happens then the linear functionals associated $T_\mu, T_\nu \in C_0([0,1])'$ are equal on the polynomials of the form $x^n$, then by linearity are equal on the polynomials. Finally since the polynomials on $[0,1]$ are dense on $C_0([0,1])$ and the linear functionals continuous then they are equal on every function of $C_0([0,1])$, this implies $\mu = \nu$.
$d$ is continuos: $d_k(\mu,\nu) = \sum_{n=0}^{k}\frac{1}{2^n}\left|\int_0^1 x^n d\mu - \int_{0}^{1}x^n \right | d\nu$ is $w^*$-continuous, and it converges uniformly to $d$, this is because here the variaton of the measures is less than 1, and since $x^n$ is less than 1, the series defining $d$ is less than $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^n}2 < \infty$ and hence uniform convergence follows from Weierstrass M-Test. Uniform convergence implies $w^*$ continuity of $d$.
Since $d$ is continuos we have that the identity map $id:(B,w^*) \to (B,\tau_d)$ is continuous. Now since $B$ is $w^*$ compact, this identity map is a homeomorphism. This follows because if $A$ is a closed set in $B$ then is compact, then $id(A) = A$ is compact, and since $(B,\tau_d)$ is Hausdorff then $A$ is closed. Hence the image of every closed set under the identity is closed.
This finishes the proof that $d$ defines the same topology.