Suppose $Y$ is a closed subspace of a Banach space $X$ and $q$ is the usual quotient map from $X$ to $X/Y$. I want to show that $q$ is an open map with respect to the weak topologies.
So far I have thought this: it is enough to consider the canonical open sets around zero in $X$ generated by an element $f$ in $X^*$, namely $U_{f}=\{x | \ |f(x)|<\epsilon\}$ for some $\epsilon>0$. I would like to somehow look at a form of $f$ in $(X/Y)^*$ but can't see how to do this.
It may be easier to picture this geometrically. A canonical open set in $X$ is a set of the form $U=\{av+m: |a|<\epsilon,\ m\in M\}$ where $M$ is a closed subspace (in your notation, $\ker f$), and $M\cup \{v\}$ is a spanning set of $X$.
Under a surjective linear operator $T:X\to Z$, the set $U$ is mapped to $$TU=\{aTv+m: |a|<\epsilon,\ m\in TM\}$$ Since $T$ is surjective, $M\cup \{Tv\}$ spans $Z$. There are two cases: