I am trying to code up a numerical algorithm which takes a spectral function of the form $$c(\zeta) = w_0 +\sum_{m=1}^N \frac{w_m}{\lambda_m+\zeta}$$ into a continued fraction of the form $$c(\zeta) = d_0+\frac{1}{a_0\zeta+}\;\;\frac{1}{b_1+}\;\;\frac{1}{a_1\zeta+}\;\;\frac{1}{b_2+}\;\;\frac{1}{...}$$ I am using a paper by Weidelt (2005) where he details the numerical algorithm he uses (in Section 2.2), but I can still not make heads or tails of his algorithm. From the spectral function, he builds a rational polynomial with coefficients $p_n$ and from there he is able to translate the $p_n$ coefficients into $a_n$ and $b_n$ coefficients of the continued fraction. The algorithm is as follows:
Let $\beta_0 = 0$, $p_{-1}(\lambda)=0$ and $p_0(\lambda)=1/\sqrt{s_0}$ where $s_0 = \sum_{m=1}^N w_m$.
For $n= 0,1,2,...$ the polynomial can be solved recursively:
i) $\alpha_n = (\lambda p_n, p_n)$
ii) $p^*_{n+1}(\lambda)=(\lambda-\alpha_n)p_n(\lambda)-\beta_np_{n-1}$
iii) $\beta_{n+1}=\sqrt{(p^*_{n+1},p^*_{n+1})}$
iv) $p_{n+1}(\lambda) = p^*_{n+1}/\beta_{n+1}$
After finding the polynomials, $a_n$ and $b_n$ can be solved for easily.
I primarily don't understand 3 things:
1) What do the parentheses in Step i and iii refer to?
2) What is the $n$ subscript referring to?
3) For discrete $\lambda$, how does a vector of $\lambda$ values work into the algorithm? His algorithm seems to suggest $\lambda$ is either a singular number or a continuous variable.
Any help is appreciated and if anyone has the will to read through the paper, props to you.
The scalar product $(f,g)$ is defined in equation (2.2): $$ (f,g)=\int_{0^-}^{\infty} w(\lambda) \, f(\lambda) \, g(\lambda) \,d\lambda . $$ Note that it includes the weight function $w(\lambda)$.
The polynomials $p_0(\lambda), p_1(\lambda), p_2(\lambda),p_3(\lambda),\dots$ are what you obtain if you start with the monomials $1,\lambda,\lambda^2,\lambda^3,\dots$ and perform the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization process using this scalar product. This means that they satisfy the orthonormality conditions that $(p_k,p_k)=1$ for each $k$ and $(p_i,p_j)=0$ if $i\neq j$, and moreover each $p_n(\lambda)$ has degree $n$ with positive $\lambda^n$-coefficient.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by discrete $\lambda$, but if you're referring to the case when the weight function isn't actually a function but a finite linear combination of Dirac delta distributions at the points $\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_N$, with some weights $w_1,\dots,w_N$, i.e., $$ w(\lambda)=\sum_{m=1}^N w_m \delta_{\lambda_m}(\lambda) , $$ then everything is the same except that the scalar product simplifies to a finite sum instead of an integral, as in equation (2.22): $$ (f,g) = \sum_{m=1}^N w_m \, f(\lambda_m) \, g(\lambda_m) . $$ Moreover, in this case you only get a finite sequence of polynomials $p_0(\lambda),\dots,p_{N-1}(\lambda)$ instead of an infinite sequence. The variable $\lambda$ is still a continuous variable; it's the coefficients of the polynomials $p_n(\lambda)$ that will be functions of the constants $\{ \lambda_m, w_m \}_{m=1}^N$. (See equation (2.38) for an explicit formula.)