On Fraenkel-Mostowski choiceless set theory

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I have been trying to solve an exercise from Kunen (1980) on Fraenkel and Mostowski's construction of a choiceless model of set theory. I have a couple of questions:

  1. The model is constructed from an infinite set $U$ of "urelements", or "atoms", and it lacks a well-ordering of $U$ in it. If I understand correctly, not only does it lack a well-ordering of $U$ but it also lacks any linear orders on it. Am I correct?

  2. In Kunen, instead of talking about urelements or atoms, one assumes ZF - foundation and working in that theory starts with a set $U$ that is infinite and whose elements are of the form $x = \{x\}$. It is another exercise in the book to show that the existence of such $U$ is consistent, but how can one do so? I know how to interpret the theory ZF - foundation + "such $U$ exists" by using graphs, but I would like to know how to obtain a (transitive) model that interprets $\in$ as $\in$. I find it hard to think about the latter possibility because for example under the presence of antifoundation (which is equiconsistent with the rest of the axioms) such $U$ has to be a singleton.


There are 2 best solutions below

  1. I believe that's right (without specifying the exercise, I can't know for sure; but this is a feature of the simplest permutation model, so it's probably true). Note, however, that other models can be constructed where $U$ can be linearly ordered, but not well-ordered.

  2. I don't understand what you are asking when you say you "would like to know how to obtain a transitive model that interprets $\in$ as $\in$" - you can't have a transitive model where Foundation fails, at all! So what sort of thing are you looking for, here?

  1. Fraenkel's original model was one where the set of atoms is amorphous. Namely every set of atoms is finite or cofinite. It's a fun exercise to show that an amorphous set cannot be linearly ordered. In fact, you can show more. You can show that if $A$ is amorphous, then every function from $A$ into a set which can be linearly ordered has a finite range.

    Mostowski constructed, some 20 years later, a model where the axiom of choice fails but every set can be linearly ordered.

    (As a side note, the reason these are called Fraenkel-Mostowski models is that Fraenkel had some mistakes in his ideas and Mostowski fixed them; Specker improved the presentation too, which is why in some places these are called Fraenkel-Mostowski-Specker models.)

  2. Anti-Foundation-Axioms are numerous. For example Boffa's axiom (BAFA) implies that there is a proper class of Quine's atoms (sets of the form $x=\{x\}$). So you don't have to stick to accessible pointed graphs. But it's easier to look at the construction which appears in Jech, which gives you a class model with atoms, rather than the failure of foundation. In this construction we slightly modify the power set operation, and we begin with a set of $\in$-independent sets as our atoms and proceed as usual.