Theorem: Let $a,b,c$ be positive integers for which $a^n+b^n+c^n$ has at most $k$ distinct prime divisors for all integers $n\ge 1$, for some fixed constant $k$. Then $a=b=c$.
I read from an old thread on AoPS that this result is due to a certain Reutter. I tried to search his name, but I really didn't find anything..
Can you find a refence for the above result?
likely this Otmar Reutter, probably no Ph.D., who is quoted in a 1963 issue of Elemente der Mathematik, volume 18, pageS 89-90. Found in SIERPINSKI pages 27-28, 123 at reference 17. At the time, O. Reutter lived in Ochsenhausen, Germany. Maybe the Swiss digital library gives a way to search Elemente for all contributions (including this challenge answer) by him. Or her.
Hmmm. Maybe not. But, maybe once a year, the M.A.A. Monthly lists all the people who answered something in the "Problems and Solutions" column that year. Elemente might do something similar.