I'm working with the following integral $\displaystyle\int_0^y \frac{dx}{x \sqrt{1-ax-bx^2}}$ and would like to split it in something like $$\int_0^y\frac{dx}{x \sqrt{1-ax}}+\int_0^y\frac{dx}{x \sqrt{1-bx^2}}$$ or something like that (separate the integrals in one that only depends on $a$ and one that only depends on $b$, but I definitely want to keep the $a$ dependent one as I've written it!). Is that possible? I don't need anything exact, approximations work for me too!!!
2025-01-13 02:55:21.1736736921
Separation of integral by approximation
74 Views Asked by Sebasen https://math.techqa.club/user/sebasen/detail At
There are 2 best solutions below
Michael Hardy
For $x$ close to $0$, we have $\sqrt{1-ax-bx^2}$ close to $1$ and therefore $<2$. Consequently for $y>0$ we have $$ \int_0^y \frac{dx}{x \sqrt{1-ax-bx^2}} \ge \int_0^y \frac {dx}{x\cdot 2} = +\infty. $$
If you had $\displaystyle\int_1^y$ instead of $\displaystyle\int_0^y$ then it would be a harder problem: we'd have to find an antiderivative of the function begin integrated.
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The problem is that the indefinite integral $\int \dfrac{dx}{x\sqrt{1-ax-bx^2}}$ is $\ln(x)-\ln(2\sqrt{1-ax-bx^2}-ax+2)+C$.
With the bounds provided in the problem, the integral would not converge as $\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \ln(x) =-\infty $