(This is about a help for not to lose interest from Group Theory. Dear Group Theorist or Algebraist please help; if question is not clear, give suggestions.)
(1) Few days before, I came across a review of a book on $p$-groups by an expert in p-groups (C. R. Leedham-Green), some part of which is as below:
....The authors suggest no fewer than 1400 research problem......Take at random Problem 1200: Study the p-groups whose cyclic subgroups are characteristic in their centralisers. There is no objection to asking a rather imprecise question (“Study. . . ”), except that it could rise to a number of papers, but there is an objection to studying some oddly defined class of groups without knowing why. ......
Today, I was looking so many papers on the Research Topic $$\mbox{study of Frobenius groups $N\rtimes H$ acting on other group $G$ via automorphisms},$$ Concerning above review-comment, the first question came to mind was why to study such groups? I didn't find a good reason for their study in the papers. Introduction in many papers says (almost same statement):
many properties of $G$ are related with that of fixed points of $H$ in $G$.
I didn't find the reason interesting. Is there other motivation for study of such Frobenius actions?
(2) After mental preparation that ''let's see these papers, without philosophical reason'', I went for reading the papers. But, I faced lot of problems in Symbols. It was not said in paper, what the symbol $G^{\mathfrak{A}(p-1)}$ denotes. But in online search, I found two different meanings of this:
abelian radical (Subgroup Lattices of Groups, Volume 14 By Roland Schmidt)
abelian residual (Products of Finite Groups by Ballester-Bolinches, ...)
And this pulled out my mind from the Research Topic!
What is a reasonable good way of research in Group Theory?
Hope this helps.