I'm having a hard time understanding why $A_n \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_2 \cong S_n$.
I understand that $A_n$ is normal in $S_n$. But that's about it. What would the $\alpha$: $\mathbb{Z}$$_2$$\longrightarrow$Aut($A_n$) be?
I'm having a hard time understanding why $A_n \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_2 \cong S_n$.
I understand that $A_n$ is normal in $S_n$. But that's about it. What would the $\alpha$: $\mathbb{Z}$$_2$$\longrightarrow$Aut($A_n$) be?
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Pick an odd element of $ S_n $ of order two; for example, a transposition. Then conjugation by that element is an order two automorphism of $ A_n $.