How many natural numbers, $n$, are there such that $$\frac{n^{2016}}{n-2016}$$ is a natural number?
HINT.-There are lots of solutions
HINT.-$\frac{n}{n-2016}=m \iff \frac{2016}{n-2016}=m-1$ and if, for example, $x=a^r\cdot b^s$ then the factors of $x$ are all the $a^i\cdot b^j$ with $0\le i\le r$ and $0\le j\le s$
Here are some solutions (I think all of them):
$2^k + 2016$ for $1\leq k\leq 10080$.
$a^k + 2016$ for $1\leq k\leq 4032$ and $a\in \{3,6,12\}$
$b^k + 2016$ for $1\leq k\leq 2016$ and $b\mid 2016$ and $b\not\in \{1,2,3,4,6,12\}$
You can show that this solutions won't work for $k$ greater than the upper limits I've set. Also if a prime $p$ divides $n - 2016$ but doesn't divide $2016$ then it won't divide $n^{2016}$ (since it doesn't divide $n$). So from $2016 = 2^53^27^1$ we know that any solution $n$ must be of the form $2^r3^s7^t + 2016$.