I write $\psi(s) = s(2s+1)$ and let $d$ be the divisor function. If $s$ is prime then 4 divides $d(\psi(s))$. For example if $s=37$ then $d(\psi(s)) = d(2775) = 12$ and $4|12$. Is this trivial? I am not sure how to attack and prove this. Here is my approach:
Now I am thinking $d$ is multiplicative so we need to determine $d(2s+1)$.
case 1: If $2s+1$ is prime then $d(\psi(s))=d(s(2s+1))=d(s)*d(2s+1) = 2*2 =4$ and $4|4$.
case 2: $2s+1$ is not prime. This is where I am stuck. Now, $d(2s+1)$ is either even or odd. If it is even then $d(\psi(s))=d(s(2s+1))=d(s)*d(2s+1) = 2*2k =4k$ and $4|4k$ for some positive integer $k$. But if it's odd I am not sure of the next move. If it is odd and squarefree then $2s+1$ has an even number of divisors?
Is this the right approach or is there a better way to go about this? Also is the statement even true, is there a quick counter example? I want to go a step further and claim that $d(\psi(s))$ is equal to $4, 8, 12, 16, 20$ or $24$
Note that $s$ and $2s+1$ are relatively prime. Thus $d(s(2s+1))=d(s)d(2s+1)$.
Now suppose that $s$ is an odd prime. Then $d(s)$ is even.
We need to show that $d(2s+1)$ is even. Recall that $d(m)$ is odd if and only if $m$ is a perfect square.
If $s$ is odd, then it has shape $2k+1$, so $2s+1$ has shape $4k+3$. But no number of the shape $4k+3$ is a perfect square. Thus $2s+1$ cannot be a perfect square, and we are finished.