I am trying to prove that the action of an orthogonal $3\times 3$ matrix with determinant $-1$ is a reflection about an eigenvector in one of the matrix's eigenspace, but I am a little lost.
Problem Statement: Describe geometrically the action of an orthogonal $3×3$ matrix with determinant $-1$.
What I have so far for the proof:
Claim that $A$ is an orthogonal $3×3$ matrix with determinant $-1$. Since $A$ is $3×3$, $A$ must have $3$ eigenvalues, $λ_1$, $λ_2$, and $λ_3$, and we know that $λ_1 λ_2 λ_3=-1$ must hold. Then we know that either
Case 1: $λ_1,λ_2,λ_3=-1$
Case 2: $λ_1,λ_2=1, λ_3=-1$
Case 3: $λ_1=-1, λ_2=c, λ_3=\bar{c}$ where $c,\bar{c}∈C$ and $\bar{c}$ is the complex conjugate of $c$.
Now, I am unsure what to do from here. My teacher was doing a similar proof in class where he was proving that the geometric action of a $3\times 3$ matrix with determinant $1$ is a rotation about one eigenspace. And based on his proof, I was thinking that I should do the following for this proof:
Let $v$ be an eigenvector with eigenvalue $-1$. Then we have $v^{⊥}=\left\{\ w∈F^{3} | v⋅w=0\right\}$ is a two dimensional vector subspace. Since $A$ is orthogonal, $Av^⊥⊂v^⊥$.
Now, based on what my teacher was telling me, he was saying the other two eigenspaces make a plane orthogonal to the eigenspace for $\lambda =-1$ and that $A$ reflects any vector about the eigenline for $\lambda = -1$?
Am I on the right track here? Any clarification for where I should go from here would be appreciated!
Here's a hint.
The restriction of the transformation $A$ to the orthogonal plane $v^\perp$ is itself the transformation of a $2 \times 2$ orthogonal matrix $B = \pmatrix{x & y \\ z & w}$ (with respect to an orthonormal basis $u_1,u_2$ of the 2-dimensional vector subspace $v^\perp$), such that the determinant of $B$ equals $1$. It follows that there is a $3 \times 3$ orthonormal basis change matrix $M$ such that $M v = \pmatrix{1 \\ 0 \\ 0}$, $M u_1 = \pmatrix{0 \\ 1 \\ 0}$, and $M u_2 = \pmatrix{0 \\ 1 \\ 1}$ and such that $$M A M^{-1} = \pmatrix{-1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & x & y \\ 0 & z & w} $$ So the $3 \times 3$ problem can be reduced to a $2 \times 2$ problem which you may already know: describe geometrically the action of an orthogonal $2 \times 2$ matrix with determinant $+1$.