The problem is to prove that element $z=\frac{3}{n}+i\frac{4}{5}$ has an infinite order in the group $(\mathbb{C},\, \cdot\, )$ for any non-zero integer $n$.
Let's consider the case $|n|\neq 5$. The absolute value of $z$ then is not equal $1$ and so there's no such $m\in\mathbb{N}$ that $|z|^m=1$ and hence $z$ has an infinite order.
Now let's consider the case $n = 5$. In this case $|z|=1$ and $\arg z = \arctan\frac{4}{3}$. So $z^m = 1 \iff \frac{m\cdot\arg z}{2\pi}\in\mathbb{Z}$. In other words, $z$ has a finite order iff there exists such $m,k\in\mathbb{Z}, m>0$ that $m\cdot \arctan\frac{4}{3} = 2\pi k$. Rephrasing it one more time we have $Ord(z)<\infty \iff \exists q\in\mathbb{Q}: \arctan\frac{4}{3}=q\pi$. And that's where I'm stuck.
So the question is why there's no such rational number $q$ that $\arctan(4/3)=q\cdot\pi$?
An element $z$ with finite order is a zero of the polynomial $t^r-1$ for some positive integer $r$, which makes $z$ an algebraic integer. But $(1/5)(3+4i)$ is not an algebraic integer. Its minimal polynomial is $5t^2-6t+5$, which is not monic.