I am self-learning some algebraic number theory and my question is regarding the advantages to studying PIDs. I have seen that Euclidean Domains $\subseteq$ Principal Idea Domains $\subseteq$ Unique Factorization Domains. What are some important properties we gain from requiring that all ideals are generated by one element? In what context were PIDs first introduced? What properties or questions do they help us understand (other than uniqueness of factorization)?
For example, $\mathbb{Z}[i]$ is a Euclidean domain with the norm $a + bi \mapsto a^2 + b^2$, so $\mathbb{Z}[i]$ is a PID and a UFD. However, I don't see what we pick up or lose by having ideals be principal. Perhaps examples of UFD that are not PID or PID that are not Euclidean would be enlightening.
One thing you get is a notion of gcd. If you want to find $\gcd(x,y)$ in a PID, $R$, you can use the fact that $(x)+(y)=(z)$ for some $z \in R$. Then a gcd of $x$ and $y$ is any generator of $(z)$. You don't need a PID for this though, you can take a look here