What is the abelianization of $\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3\setminus k)$, where $k$ is a knot in $\mathbb{R}^3$

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I don't understand what the three dimensional plane minus a knot really is. I would like to know this because I am studying for an exam and don't know how to work out these abelianization type of problems.


There are 2 best solutions below


As mentioned in the comment of @MikeMiller, the key to this is the Wirtinger presentation for $\pi_1(\Bbb R^3 - k)$. Here's a sketch of the derivation of the presentation:

$k : S^1 \hookrightarrow \Bbb R^3$ be the knot. Isotope $k$ to a knot which mostly lies flat on the $xy$-plane but at the crossings it makes overpasses in the upper half space $\Bbb H^3$.

enter image description here

$\Bbb H^3 - k$ is just $\Bbb H^3$ with a collection of handles corresponding the overpasses removed. Thus, $\pi_1(\Bbb H^3 - k)$ is free on the generators $x_1, \cdots, x_n$ with corresponding to the loops winding around the handles once clockwise. One can easily prove this by applying the van Kampen theorem.

enter image description here

Now, if one attaches the lower half plane $\Bbb {R}_{-}^3$, one adds extra relators. For example, a loop winding around a handle can now be slided through the lower half plane. Consider the situation that you are staring at a knot overpass, with $x_i$ the homotopy class of the loop winding around that overpass. Homotope a loop winding around some other overpass nearby to bring it along the piece of the knot below that overpass. Call it $x_j$. Similarly bring another one of the generator loops close to $x_i$ by the other branch of the underpass. The picture should look like this -

enter image description here

Now you should be able to see that $x_i x_j x_i^{-1} = x_k$. These are the extra relators, and a little more work and Siefert-van Kampen theorem should tell you that these are all the relators there are. You should try to work out the details here by yourself (warning: care needs to be taken to not forget the basepoint). That said, $\pi_1(\Bbb R^3 - k) \cong \langle x_1, \cdots, x_n | x_i x_j x_i^{-1} = x_k \rangle$. This is the Wirtinger presentation.

To compute $H_1(\Bbb R^3 - k)$, note that abelianization is the same as attaching commutators as relators in your presentation. We know $x_i x_j x_i^{-1} = x_k$, but we are also adding the relators $x_i x_j x_i^{-1} = x_j$ which implies $x_j = x_k$. Thus all but one generator are redundant in the presentation for the abelianization $\pi_1^{ab}(\Bbb R^3 - k)$.

Since for path-connected based spaces, $\pi_1^{ab}(X, x_0) \cong H_1(X)$ by the Hurewicz theorem, we conclude $H_1$ is infinite cyclic, that is, $H_1(\Bbb R^3 - k) \cong \Bbb Z$.


It is worth writing down some other ways of doing this.

1) If you know homology, you can use Mayer-Vietoris in a number of ways. One would be to take a plane diagram for the knot, and assume it's embedded in a way that makes that diagram reasonably accurate (away from crossings, it's in the $xy$-plane; and at crossings it goes just slightly out of the plane and just slightly in). Then delete a tubular neighborhood of the knot, and use the top and bottom half-spaces for Mayer-Vietoris. Alternatively, let $X$ be the exterior of a tubular neighborhood of the knot, and let $T$ be the solid torus given by a tubular neighborhood of the knot. Then we have an exact sequence $$0 = H_2(S^3) \to H_1(T^2) \to H_1(T)\oplus H_1(X) \to H_1( S^3) = 0.$$ The map $H_1(T^2) \to H_1(T)$ sends the longitude to a generator and the meridian to zero; and the map $H_1(T^2) \to H_1(X)$ sends the longitude to 0.

So because the map $\varphi: H_1(T^2) \to \Bbb Z \oplus H_1(X)$ is an isomorphism, given by $am+b\ell \to (b,a\varphi(m))$, we see in particular that $\varphi(m)$ is a generator of $H_1(X)$ and that $H_1(X) \cong \Bbb Z$.

As suggested by Qiaochu, you could also invoke Alexander duality on the complement of a tubular neighborhood of the knot, which gives $H_1(X) \cong H^{3-1-1}(S^1) = \Bbb Z$. If you try to do this on the knot instead of its complement, you get $$H_1(S^1) \cong H^{3-1-1}(X) = H^1(X) = \text{Hom}(H_1(X),\Bbb Z),$$ which doesn't tell you about possible torsion in $H_1(X)$.