I'm worried that this will be a spanner in the works when I'm using a calculator in an exam , I know that $-2^2= 4$ since $(-2) \cdot (-2) = 4 $. So why does my calculator show it as negative 4 ? Does anyone know if there is a way to reset my calculator so it doesn't do this? The make and model is Casio fx-83ES.
2025-01-13 02:27:54.1736735274
Why does my calculator show -2^2 as -4
992 Views Asked by Aztec warrior https://math.techqa.club/user/aztec-warrior/detail At
There is a difference between $-2^2$ and $(-2)^2$ In the first examples you square the number two and then you apply the negative. In the second example you sqaure the number negative two then you get the desired reuslt, 4