Let $a,b$ be two algebraic numbers over $F$ and suppose that $\deg f$ is relatively prime to $\deg g$, where $f = \text{Irr}(a,F,X), \ g = \text{Irr}(b,F,X)$ are the minimal monic irreducible polynomials of the two numbers respectively. Then $g$ as a polynomial in $F(a)[X]$ is still irreducible.
I would think the proof would have something to do with $[F(a,b) : F(a)][F(a):F] = [F(a,b) : F] = [F(b,a):F(b)][F(b):F]$ but I don't see how to apply it.
Hints please.
$([F(a):F],[F(b),F])=1$ implies that $lcm([F(a):F],[F(b),F])=[F(a):F]\cdot [F(b),F]$.
Now suppose, $m_b(X)$ is not irreducible in $F(a)[X]$, then $[F(a,b),F(a)]<deg(m_b(X))$. But then, $[F(a,b),F]$ is a common multiple of $[F(a):F]$ and $[F(b),F]$, and $[F(a,b),F] <[F(a):F]\cdot [F(b),F]$. Contradiction with $lcm([F(a):F],[F(b),F])=[F(a):F]\cdot [F(b),F]$.